Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Gavin's Baby Shower

To celebrate Gavin's upcoming (and hopefully very soon!) arrival, my mom hosted a baby shower for me at her house.

It was such a fun morning! The decorations were super cute, lots of fantastic women came, we had yummy breakfast food,

and played a couple of fun games.

I was also incredibly spoiled by some great gifts that are going to be perfect for our little bundle of boy! And I had lots of help opening gifts from a few pairs of little hands...

Macy, Savannah, and Lauren had just as much fun playing together as we older girls had, and of course stole the show and often the camera's focus. They also proved how much fun you can have with nothing other than a big blue bow!

And here's some side profile belly shots. Yes, I am getting gigantically big (and I'm even bigger now!) and yes, I am all baby!

I think the only thing I might, and I stress might, miss about being pregnant is my nice little shelf. It's great for resting my arms or for snacks on the couch while watching TV!